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As of January 8th, the following Grades are still open for registration:

Grades 11-12 is still available for 11 & 12 for Tuesdays or Thursdays >> Vive La Parole – is a program to develop French conversation skills, while playing games and meeting other students their own age.

Grade 7 Franco-Fun, Reading Circle & Vive La Parole are still available on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays & Thursdays for Grade 7s  – FULL

Grade 8 Franco-Fun, Reading Circle & Vive La Parole are still available on Tuesdays, Wednesdays & Thursdays for Grade 8sFULL

Grades 9-10 Almost FULL, a few spots remain still available for Tuesdays or Thursdays >>Vive La Parole– is a program to develop French conversation skills, while playing games and meeting other students their own age.

Senior Kindergarten to Grade 6 are FULL. Waitlist for All Grades for Winter 2024.