Registration for our FREE CPF Virtual French Programs – MAY Sessions – is Now Open


Our FREE CPF Virtual French Programs run from: May 8 to August 25, 2023. Sessions run for 45-minutes, every weekday for 2-week long sessions before the next one starts. That means, 10 sessions at 45 minutes/session = 450 minutes = 7.5 hours of fun French learning outside the classroom!

FOR SPRING: In May & June, sessions run in the evenings at: 4, 5, or 6 p.m.
FOR SUMMER: In July & August, sessions run in the mornings at: 10 a.m. or 11 a.m., or in the afternoons at: 1 p.m. or 2 p.m.

Current Registration is for Sessions 1 & 2, up to June 2.
Here are the upcoming Registration Dates:

  • June Programs: May 15th @9 a.m.
  • July Programs: June 12 @9 a.m.
  • August Programs: July 10 @9 a.m.

Learning sessions are designed for children from SK to Grade 12 who live in Ontario and are enrolled in an FSL program. Highly qualified French Second Language (FSL) Teacher Candidates run these programs. We thank the Ontario Ministry of Education for funding these engaging and accessible programs where children can participate in French-speaking activities with others their own age.

Pssst: we also heard this: THEY ARE FUN! for more information visit our website at or contact us at: