If you’re looking for a French summer camp for your child, you may be interested in this FREE 5-day camp in Brampton running on July 7 – 11, 2014 at the École élémentaire catholique Sainte-Jeanne-D’Arc.

CanAfric Theatre is organizing le Camp d’été Rêves et Possibilités. They have a range of activities planned out, including outings to the African Lion Safari, the Ontario Science Centre and other destinations.

For more information, call CanAfric at 905- 891- 9494 or email info@canafrictheatre.org.
You can also download the camp flyer in French

If Brampton is not your area, you could consider one of the camps listed in our directory of French summer camps.

Please Note: CPF Ontario does not endorse this or any other summer camp you may see mentioned on our website, unless it’s a CPF-Sponsored French Camp.