CPF ON Brain Boosting Workshop, Glendon Campus, York University

HomeEventsVirtualCPF ON Brain Boosting Workshop, Glendon Campus, York University
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What are Brain Boosting Workshops?

Officially launched in 2019, Glendon’s Brain Boosting Workshops were developed as bilingual transitional workshops to support and enhance Ontario’s Ministry of Education Secondary Curriculum. Through our workshops, our mission is to create more opportunities for students to engage in fun and interactive skill development, supporting their transition into postsecondary education and integration into the labour market, notably in bilingual or francophone communities. Moreover, our workshops are developed by Glendon students in collaboration with our faculty, thus providing them with research and experiential learning opportunities, while also creating a legacy for future students.

York University’s Glendon Campus and Canadian Parents for French (Ontario) have joined forces to expand opportunities for high school students to learn virtually in French. During this stressful and uncertain time, where the educational environment within Ontario high schools is in constant flux, students are losing opportunities to have meaningful in-class opportunities to learn in French.

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