Canadian Parents for French (Ontario) is pleased to partner with l’ Assemblée de la francophonie de l’Ontario (AFO) to present a classroom project to create awareness of the use of French in the child’s community – Bonjour/Welcome.  This province-wide campaign to promote the use of French language services is an initiative linked to the curriculum for French Immersion classrooms in grades 3 to 8.

Bonjour/Welcome will give students the opportunity to take part in a survey of private-sector businesses in their community whereby they will identify and become aware of which ones can serve them in French. This is not meant to be a confrontational undertaking.  To participate click on the following link to register your school:

You will receive an information kit once you have registered.

For more information please contact Salimatou Diallo, Assistant Director of the Assemblée de la francophonie de l’Ontario, at or call 1.866.596.6649, extension 120.