Niagara Falls, October 17, 2023—Canadian Parents for French (Ontario) announced its Volunteer Award Winners at a special awards luncheon during its annual provincial conference in Niagara Falls October 14, 2023. Congratulations to the following winners for their volunteer leadership and dedication to CPF Ontario and their communities:

  • Alanda Lantz received the Mlacak Award for outstanding contribution to CPF Ontario.
  • Nicole Czaja received the McGillivray Award for initiative, leadership, and commitment in promoting the development of FSL learning in Ontario.
  • Anastacia (Ana) Weekes received the Youth Leadership Award for dedication, contributions, and initiative of youth towards FSL programming.

Congratulations to all and thank you for your dedication, commitment and contributions to promoting bilingual education in Ontario.

Full Media Release available here. (PDF) | Link to more about our CPR Ontario AGM & the 2023-2034 Board in Niagara Falls!