Haliburton Chapter Leaders Sharon Wilson and Stephanie Ward have done an amazing job offering opportunities for young children in their area to learn and practice French even before they start school.

Sharon and Stephanie organized: Bilingual Storytime Program for 0-6-year-olds, which ran once a month from November to February. With the support of a grant from CPF Ontario, they helped Haliburton County Public Library build their French resources
for youth learning French.

“[Early exposure to French] gives the child context,” said Stephanie Ward, about a key benefit of this type of program at such young ages. “If [children] are starting French in Grade 1, instead of being a foreign language, it’s that one they had fun learning at the library.”

Sharon and Stephanie drew a lovely crowd of 20 children to their local library for French Storytime, February 11.
To learn more about the Feb. 11 event, read The Haliburton Echo for the full story!