Mississauga, March 17, 2020 – Canadian Parents for French (Ontario) has cancelled the Provincial Concours d’art oratoire, which was scheduled to take place on May 2, 2020, at York University Glendon Campus.

In an effort to help contain the COVID-19 virus, we are following the provincial and federal government recommendations, in particular the Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC) advisories related to large gatherings and social distancing.

Our partners, the Ontario Modern Language Teachers Association and York University Glendon Campus, support the cancellation.

We understand that students across the province will be disappointed but are learning that we are all in this together. We encourage them to share their speech with family and neighbours and keep conversational French going at every opportunity while exercising appropriate social distancing.

Canadian Parents for French is considering several ways to add value to this year’s Concours d’art oratoire, in lieu of the cancellation of the provincial event.

Contact: Betty Gormley, Executive Director
Canadian Parents for French (Ontario)

Concours d’art oratoire Cancelled_March 17 2020