Boukili is a new app for reading in French for young students. It is provided free of charge from TFO Groupe Media, our Ontario French educational public broadcaster. I installed the app on my Android phone and my iPad. The installation process is easy, but make sure that you use the same account on each device. This way, it will keep track of your progress across different devices.

The app provides six different reading levels tailored to different audiences, with access to a total of 130 books. At each level, there are three learning modes: mode narration, mode solo and mode enregistrement. Under mode narration, one can listen to the book page by page, one can also go back and forth with an easy to use navigation button. Under mode solo, you can read the book page by page on your own. Under mode enregistrement, you can record your reading.

My daughter, age 5, and I had a great time using the app. I have also discovered that the app can be accessed through the chrome web browser here. The only limitation with the browser option is that you cannot use mode enregistrement.

This app is a must because it provides an immersive and interactive guided reading experience. The reading in mode narration was done by a native speaker, it sounds authentic. The only drawback of this app is that it cannot be installed on iPhone, which is a disappointment for some parents.

Charles Zhu, parent member, French as a Second Language Advisory Committee, Toronto District School Board