CPF Ontario Board Member, Mary Anne Alton, has just published her second book about Haiti, where she has been doing volunteer work for the last four years.  Une-histoire-d_espoir-en-haiti-_cover

There are many tragic stories about life in Haiti.  Life is a struggle for most Haitian people.  “Une histoire d’espoir en Haiti” brings a message of hope.

The story is set at Kay Germain, a centre where special needs children and their families can get help. In the book, you will meet four remarkable children who receive education, physiotherapy, family support and lots of love at Kay Germain.

Mary Anne has visited Kay Germain and seen first-hand how the caring staff there is breaking the cycle of abandonment.  While Haitian parents care deeply about their children, some abandon their special needs children hoping they will have a better life.  At Kay Germain, fathers and mothers learn how to care for their children and get help finding jobs so they can support their families.  This program brings hope to the lucky children and families who receive support at Kay Germain. All author royalties go to Kay Germain NPH.

The first book that Mary Anne wrote about Haiti was published in 2012 and is called “Je m’appelle Christian – Ma vie et mon art”. Royalties from this book support St. Helene’s orphanage, where the story takes place.

Both books are available for purchase through the Aim Language Learning website at: