10. A Strong Voice – CPF has been the national face of French Second Language education advocacy over the past 35+ years. CPF is a non-profit organization with 22,000 members across Canada. We advocate for well-funded, stimulating and fun French educational and cultural programs for youth.

9. Focused on FSL – We are the ONLY national volunteer organization concerned with your child’s learning of French as a Second Language (FSL). If we don’t address your concerns, who will?

8. Resources – CPF has resources available to help you help your children learn French. Our newsletters, website and social media platforms are packed with information about French-language resources and activities. CPF also solicits and disseminates research on a range of topics related to French Second Language education.

7. Fun in French – CPF organizes or supports French-language activities for its members including French summer camps, fun fair, theatre, concerts, and cultural events – all aimed at helping make French come alive for your children!

6. Public Speaking in French – CPF organizes an annual Concours d’art oratoire, a Provincial and National public speaking competition with prizes, and a chance to win full university scholarships.

5. FSL Promotion – CPF volunteers present information at school Open Houses, French Immersion information sessions and other outreach opportunities. CPF publishes and distributes brochures about the benefits of learning French. These efforts help increase enrolment in FSL programs and strengthen your child’s program!

4. Encouragement – CPF Ontario acknowledges outstanding contributions from volunteers and FSL educators through annual awards.

3. You are needed – Purchasing a CPF membership for $25 will allow us to speak with a louder voice. Without our members, CPF would not exist and volunteer support for French Second Language education would also disappear.

2. Volunteer Satisfaction – Being a part of CPF is fun and rewarding and you don’t have to speak French. You can help organize events, advocate for new programs, run a camp, or talk to your school officials.

… The number one reason to get active in CPF

1. Your child! Do it because you care about your children’s education. Help us to provide activities, education and advocacy which are so important for keeping our French Second Language programs strong.